"Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets...
but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven."
- Jesus (Y'shua) Matthew 5:17-19
Basic Hebrew Roots Teachings
Hebrew Names used in videos: Jesus = Yeshua, Yahusha, Yahushua. God = Elohim, Yahovah, Yahweh, Yahuah.
♦ The Deity of Jesus (Y"shua).
♦ The 7th Day Sabbath of God.
♦ The Torah (Law of God). Sin is Lawlessness.
♦ What True Repentance Looks Like.
♦ The Biblical Holy Days (like Passover, Pentecost).
♦ Understanding Paul
♦ What Does it Mean to Be a True Disciple?

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